This recipe is a homemade spaghetti meat sauce that has been passed down to 4 generations of Sicilians. The recipe has been altered by each person to fit...
This gravy is sure to please any vegetarian or even non-vegetarian. It's flavorful, rich, and is as good on turkey or prime rib as it is on a vegetarian...
My mother learned how to make this while we lived in Nashville many years ago, and it is now a family favorite. Good old-fashioned sausage gravy. It's...
Sausage gravy was always one of my favorite meals for breakfast, delicious but so fattening! Now that I am cooking for my family, I'm trying healthier...
This meatless gravy gets a kick from a whole lot of freshly ground black pepper. It's perfect for using in a fountain. Serve with biscuits and browned...
Old-fashioned white gravy that uses mainly household items and goes great with biscuits, salmon patties, mashed or other potatoes, eggs, fried bologna...
Handed down from my Grandpa who was born and reared in south Georgia. It is really a sauce (because there is no flour in it) but you can eat it for breakfast...
Fairly basic, large-batch sausage gravy recipe that I've developed over time. The family loves it every time, so the large batch is needed! Normally I'd...
The Thanksgiving Day kitchen is a busy, hectic scene that can intimidate even the most experienced cooks. By doing your gravy ahead of time, you make that...
We love biscuits and gravy, but I'm gluten-free now, so we used Bob's Red Mill® all-purpose gluten-free flour in the gravy and used his biscuit flour...
This is a mildly spicy, flavorful gravy you can pour over chicken, turkey or just plain mashed potatoes. It is very similar to a certain fast food chain's...
When I saw how well this worked, I decided to mix up a larger batch to have on hand. I've never liked the mixes that have any sort of bean flour in them,...
Quick, easy vegan gravy with lots of flavor from fresh herbs. Tastes great on vegan meatballs, mashed potatoes, or your favorite vegan protein or side...
When I was growing up, we got to pick whatever we wanted to eat for our birthday dinner. I always chose chocolate gravy and biscuits. I usually use store-bought...
My father's aunt used to make this gravy for breakfast every time we came to visit. It has been a staple in our family for as long as I can remember. I...
Flavorful for any fowl. My cranberry-hating son even gave it the thumbs up! My thanksgiving guests had fun trying to figure out what this gravy was made...
Whether over hot biscuits, chicken fried steak, omelets or mashed potatoes, this country gravy is the best, or so I've been told many times by friends...
A milk gravy for lacto-vegetarians you can feel good about eating. Look for a ham base that doesn't contain pork, just ham flavoring, like Orrington Farms...
Got a recipe for this off this site, but there were too many steps and I wanted something much simpler and easier to prepare. This is what I did and the...
Here's a classic recipe for silky-smooth, deeply-flavored gravy that will have guest ssinging your praises! It makes enough for the table and the turkey...
Pork shoulder starts off in the Instant Pot® and finishes up in the oven while you prepare the tasty, cauliflower-based mushroom gravy in this low-carb,...
This is an unusual kind of gravy with sliced wieners that is served over mashed potatoes. The first time I had this was at my sister-in-laws over twenty...
Vegetarian sausage links can be bought at many supermarkets, experiment with the different brands and choose your favorite for this delicious gravy. If...